Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the typical questions or issues that users frequently encounter.


Accepted Payment Methods

We accept PayPal, Credit card and Debit card as our supported payment methods.

Can I change plans?

You have the ability to change your plan as needed and upon doing so, your current subscription will be immediately cancelled.

Can I cancel my subscription?

It is possible to cancel your subscription whenever you desire. You'll still be able to use the features you paid for until the end of your billing period. After your subscription runs out, you won't have access to any of the subscription-based features.


How many resumes can I create?

The subscription plan you choose determines the basis for it. To understand the restrictions of each plan, please refer to the pricing section to gather more information.

Cover Letters

How many cover letters will I be able to create?

You can locate the limitations for each plan in the pricing section. Your selection of subscription will determine what those restrictions are.